





In the nature

Read essays in philosophy, read a maximum sentence is: "unmoved either by gain or loss, see pretrial blossom; fate has no intention, at the sky yunjuanyunshu." In fact, very simple, life is very simple. Just turned into Vientiane times, become very complicated, become won't listen to reason. The world of sense, differ in thousands of ways. Is the Dharma, there are abundant Famennian, go into, as into a vast expanse of water. Say the truth, however, is the origin of the empty. Sometimes reading, reads more clever; or the opposite, reads more stupid. China history nerd Zhao Kuo, is due to read many books, electrical desk and lead to the age-old grievances qi. Said the words of life, ninety-nine point nine nine percent are nonsense, written text, as well as the. More than words to tuberculosis, He that talks much errs much. Buddha does not say, Zen is not language, say, the theory, no not the telling of lies. Write more, such as fried leftovers, turn to turn to, is that something, after all is said and done, is then some meaning. Really calm, but is to pick up a book, pillow, bed.

Write prose, like the Weiweidaolai, calm. My heart, my heart as natural. Don't slow, steady, a static. Not too much rhetoric, only to express to understand, do not look tired, simple and profound words. "My heart is fixed slime flocculation, not by the spring breeze on mad", whenever the event is static, relentless, will wholeheartedly, calm face. Things are not so imagine complex, seize the essence, Paodingjieniu, few would solve the. On rumors, the gossip, not argue indisputable; in adversity, not blame everyone and everything but not oneself of injustice, of misunderstanding, on; injustice, not to bemoan one's fate. Although such as real, as he and southeast wind, calm the mind Amethyst earrings, then everything is quiet. "Sparse bamboo wind, wind and bamboo no sound; Yan Han Tan Yan to degree, and Tan don't store shadow. Therefore the superior man thing and heart beginning now, things to heart with empty." As long as the repair to the heart, the worldly phenomena, such as the flower in the mirror, water, too, the heart does not leave mark.

Calm is a kind of ability. Zhou Yu with a plume fan in hand, in a silk hood, so brave and bright, laughing and jesting while enemy ships were destroyed as planned like castles in the air. Cao Cao cannot calm, rode on a horse to flee helter skelter. But Cao Cao finally smiled, but the military victory or defeat of the norm Study Tour, the last laugh, is the skill. The see through, can calm; dust bearish, is calm. Such as water, invisible, can forms. Such as air, invisible, untouchable, but omnipresent. Static, gas centering idle, static if the virgin; when moving, all-powerful, carry all before one.


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